Friday, January 20, 2012

New Year = New Beginnings

In October I had decided to cut off my hair.  I couldn't get the image of myself in a classic chin length bob out of my head and I needed to cut off quite a bit of hair anyways because I didn't resist the temptation of bleach and changing the color of my hair when it was getting pretty long.  I had been growing it out for 2yrs give or take a few months and was loving my long hair but getting pretty bored with it at the same time.  Once I chopped it into an average bob I decided that it needed some layers.  So a couple wks into that cut I added some layers.  I really should have left it at that because without any styling what-so-ever it looked really good.  But for some reason(I now know that it was stress and being insanely bored) I just couldn't stay away from the scissors.  So now it was November and just a few days before Thanksgiving when I got those scissors back out and chopped it into a pixie w/longish bangs.  It was cute.  Yet I still could not seem to leave it be and a couple wks later I cut off those bangs.  I had so wished I would have left those bangs alone because then I felt that the length of the bangs didn't match up w/the lengths of the rest of my hair.  This led to the last cut before coming back to my senses.  Anyways, there's the story behind my pixie!  I'd love it if you'd share yours!  Now lets grow out our hair together!  (sorry if you think this is kinda crappy but I've never blogged before heehee)


  1. I love it and I am looking forward to seeing more! :)

  2. That's a great first start! I love your pixie cut, but short hair is something you have to be comfortable with to pull it off well. If you're not happy with it, it shows in your demeanour. I actually have a pixie cut at the moment ( going to see my hairdresser today for maintenance). I love it and have no plans to grow it out, but I am really looking forward to following your journey. Good luck!

    1. Thanks! I wish I was happy with it and I do love how it looks on a lot of women who have the cut but I don't feel like I have the "styling personality" for it if you know what I mean. I do better with simple hair and I like the idea of doing creative styles with it once it finally gets long enough to do so. I've had short hair for most of my life but this is the first time in my life that I have had to deal with waking up to it standing straight up on my head everyday!
